Grade 5 Exhibition


The second SEK Qatar PYP Exhibition took place on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th May. Our Grade 5 students enthralled their audience and captured the imaginations and attention of all the guests who attended. Each of the fifteen groups have worked closely with mentors from our school, DP student mentors as well as their homeroom teachers Ms. Cassandra and Ms. Catherine. This was a true collaborative effort from the PYP team, led by our PYP Coordinator Ms. Nikki.

For the past seven weeks, students have been following the inquiry cycle and expanding their knowledge in relation to a shared central idea: “People have a shared responsibility to promote sustainability through positive and proactive interactions with their environment.” Students selected a wide range of issues connecting to this central idea such as endangered animals, eco-warrior animals, deforestation, pollution, water conservation, climate change, recycling, universal education, sustainable energy and food sustainability. They have developed their own lines of inquiry and formulated key questions to drive their investigations forward. They gained new perspectives by going on numerous field trips and conducting interviews with professionals, experts and specialists in their chosen fields of study. This process has been immensely challenging and rewarding at the same time. We have witnessed our student’s inquiry skills develop at an impressive rate over the past couple of months. This invaluable experience has laid the foundations for continued skill development in MYP next year.

Monday’s performance and presentation welcomed students from other local IB schools as well as our own PYP classes, who wanted to share in this joyous occasion. The visiting students asked questions and engaged in dialogue with SEK students who were well able to display excellent communication skills as they delivered their speeches and presented their inquiries. This was a wonderful learning experience all round. The Grade 5s were true ambassadors for change and excellent role models, inspiring others to become more conscious about sustainability.

On Tuesday, we had our long awaited parent’s evening. The excitement was palpable as students, parents, family friends and members of the school community turned out in force to support the Grade 5 in their final stage performance. This was by far the student’s best performance and there was a real sense of achievement in the air. Students confidently performed a poem entitled ‘Mission Exhibition’, followed by a contemporary dance. One of our DP students, Lafan Hasan created an inspirational and uplifting video, which evidenced the entire learning process. Next, the students shared their own fairytale about sustainability before the entire grade level took to the stage for a musical display, which consisted of a soundscape and the student’s own musical rendition of ‘What a Wonderful World’. The audience response was amazing and it was truly heartwarming to witness the culmination of the student’s efforts.

Here you are the full playlist from our YouTube Channel Play SEK Qatar.

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