Energy with Grade 5

Transdisciplinary Theme 

How the World Works  

Central Idea 

People use, store and change energy for different purposes. 

Lines of Inquiry 

Forms of Energy 

The storage and transformation of energy 

Conservation of energy  

The Grade 5 students applied their knowledge of the lines of inquiry from their current unit of inquiry to show new ways to use, store and save energy by building a model of their choice using recycled materials. They demonstrated their conceptual understanding of sustainability and energy, and used their thinking and research skills to create the models seen below. The students presented their learning through videos and live presentations to their peers.  

Welcome to the Personal Project Exhibition for the MYP Class of 2022

Congratulations to our Grade 10 students! They have been working very hard over the last seven months on their Personal Project journey. Our students have created an amazing range of products, from building 3D objects, creating recipe books, and visual art works.

The Personal Project is an important part of the MYP and for preparation for the DP. Students have to bring together skills they have learned in order to be successful. They are called upon to use subject specific skills as well as their ATL skills ā€“ in particular time management which is also an essential for doing well in the DP. We have been pleased by how well students have balanced all their commitments this year, despite the pandemic. Students are continuing to work hard and explore their interests which is evident in their PP exhibition Microsoft Sways.

Although we cannot gather in person, we hope you enjoy this virtual gallery showcasing the Grade 10 students creativity, hard work, and growth as MYP scholars.

You can also use your VR glasses to walk through it!

Follow the link to visit the virtual space šŸ‘‰šŸ»

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Grade 3 and the Fruit Bowls

Transdisciplinary Theme 

How We Express Ourselves 

Central Idea 

People express their ideas, feelings and culture through the arts. 

Lines of Inquiry 

  • The different ways artists interpret what they see, think and believe 
  • How artists use technique to convey a message 
  • How audience members appreciate art and perceive messages 

If you had a bowl of fruit, what would it look like? Would it hold just one kind of fruit or many different kinds? Would the fruit be whole or chopped? What would the bowl and basket look like? How would you choose the fruits to add in your bowl? 

To introduce our new unit of inquiry, How we express ourselves, Grade 3 created their own piece of art with the title, Fruit Bowl. After following a short video tutorial on how to draw a fruit bowl, the students were encouraged to create their own artwork. This was an opportunity for them to be creative and explore different materials in their environments.  

We saw so many interpretations of a fruit bowl which led to fantastic discussions about what is art and how does different art make us feel.  

Here are some of the great fruit bowls that were created by Grade 3. We hope you enjoy them! 

Who we are with Grade 4

In grade 4, during our second unit of inquiry ā€˜Who we areā€™, students investigated the relationship between mechanical and chemical digestion. They conducted an experiment using biscuits or crackers to understand the difference between the two types of digestions that take place in the mouth. We kept all COVID protocols in place while conducting our experiment, to keep our students safe and healthy.  

Grade 4 students were engaged, motivated, and excited for this experiment are looking forward to the upcoming ones!  

Balance with Grade 3

Our grade 3 students inquired into the central idea ā€˜Balance ensures organism survival within an ecosystemā€™. They worked collaboratively to learn more about different ecosystems around the world, using posters and PowerPoint presentations to share their work.   

Students shared their understanding of food webs and food chains knowledge was shared through posters and an art activity. 

Class discussions and concept based strategies such as 4 corner debate and cross comparison charts allowed students to build andā€Æshare their conceptual understandings that were then refined by further case studies. 

To end the unit of inquiry, students created a report about an ecosystem of their choice. They researched information, shared their findings in their own words, edited and published their work. They also created a model of their ecosystem by creating a diorama or a Minecraft world. They then presented their work to their peers by creating a video on Flipgrid.

During the unit of inquiry, students developed a good understanding of the actions they could take at home that could make a difference. These included cutting mask strings to prevent animals being trapped, turning lights, recycling papers and abstaining from eating meat. They developed their understanding that through their choices, they can make a difference to ecosystems around the world. We are so proud of their actions and we look forward to seeing how they progress over time.  

SEK International School Qatar is celebrating Qatar National Day 2021 today!

Qatar National Day goes back to 1978, when on 18th of December Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed bin Thani succeeded his father, Mohammed bin Thani as ruler of the Qatari Peninsula. Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani is considered to have united all the local tribes by combating external powers and earned independence for the tribes of the region.

To mark this significant milestone in Qatarā€™s history, on 18th of December, nationals and residents celebrate with fireworks, a parade and show acts across the country.

Today, as part of this celebration, SEK-Qatar students of all grades performed songs, speeches and performances remembering and honoring Qatarā€™s independence.

Every year we are incredibly proud and impressed with how much detail and passion students rehearse, dress up and decorate for Qatar National Day. It is truly wonderful to see that any student, whether national or resident, relates to their country of living.

As in the previous year, due to COVID-19 regulations and protocols, we cannot host parents and all students at the same time in our school premises. Hence, for those who were unable to join the live event can soon watch the recordings online.

PYP Music Patterns

This term, Grade 2 students have been exploring patterns in music through rhythmic, melodic as well as harmonic sequencing. Utilizing the digital platform of Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker, they have composed some uniquely sounding music which, in turn, displays as a production of colorful sequences. 

Sharing the Planet with Preschool 3

In Unit two we have been exploring Planet Earth and all the living and non-living things we share it with. For the provocation of the unit we got their minds thinking by observing the planet and analyzing and talking about all its unique characteristics and features. We talked about what colors we saw on the planet and what they meant, i.e. ā€œBlue is water where fish live.ā€ We later created our own planet earth in a non-messy painting sensory motor activity. 

Visual Art

The Pre 3 classes have been working on the Sharing the planet Unit of Inquiry. As part of their integrated art inquiry, the students have been exploring drawing from observation to recognize lines, curves, colors, and shapes of the nature forms. Direct observation lessons are vital for building hand-eye coordination skills and improve their artistic skills. Through learning observational drawing skills, students have been practicing to make compositional choices as well as accurately depict form of the plants and the flowers around the school. We have been also learning how to art critic our artworks. 

Observational drawing of plants and natural forms

PYP-Sharing the Planet

In Grade 4, we explored conflict resolution as part of our unit Sharing the Planet! As a grade level, we discussed bullying in depth and its consequences on the bully, the victim, and the bystander. We also learned about our emotions and how we can self-regulate in order to maintain personal peaceful relations. 

Students then chose and researched about a peace maker that has contributed to peace in his/her community and/or the world. The process of the inquiry started with brainstorming different peace makers, then choosing one that has resonated with each student, and finally creating a detailed PowerPoint showcasing the information learned. Students researched about the peace representative’s life history, quotes, and peaceful contributions.Ā  Below are pictures from our presentation day!Ā 

Let’s Stay Healthy with Grade 1 Students

During our unit of inquiry Who we are, the students learned about ways to stay physically and emotionally healthy. We invited a guest speaker Dr. Manasik to join us online and share with the students the importance of staying healthy and living a balanced lifestyle.  

Students in class and at home listened to the doctor and engaged inĀ appropriateĀ discussionsĀ about their health. They also had some questions to ask the doctor. We had a greatĀ sessionĀ that helped students reflect on their daily habits. After that, each student created their own healthy recipe to add to their menu that they will make and share with the rest of the class.Ā Ā