Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Thank you to the family and friends of our graduates, for your unwavering support and presence as we celebrate the accomplishments of our students. Your love and encouragement have made this journey truly special. Congratulations to all!

Preschool 5

We had an amazing day celebrating our Preschool 5 students at their first school graduation. The IB Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), which spans from Preschool 3 to Grade 5 (ages 3-12), helps young learners grow as caring and engaged participants in a lifelong journey of knowledge (, 2024). Our dedicated teachers and staff at SEK International School Qatar have enjoyed guiding and nurturing our wonderful Preschool 5 students throughout this school year. We are so proud of their achievements and wish them a fun and happy summer holiday. We look forward to welcoming these students back as they start Grade 1 at SEK-Qatar next year.

Grade 5

Our Grade 5 students are excited to begin the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) in August! Congratulations to each of them on finishing the IB Primary Years Programme. Over the past eight years, they have shown great dedication and learned the skills needed to face challenges and take advantage of opportunities in our fast-changing world. At SEK International School Qatar, we are proud to offer the globally recognized PYP Programme, which represents excellence in education.

Grade 10

Let’s give a big hand to our MYP Grade 10 students at SEK-Qatar, who have successfully completed the IBMYP Programme.

The IBMYP Programme, which goes from Grade 6 to Grade 10, is a key foundation for the final Diploma Programme (DP) stage. During the MYP years, students work on community and personal projects to broaden their horizons and enhance their learning.

DP Class of 2024!

Congratulations to the graduates of the SEK International School Qatar Diploma Programme.

Over the past two years, these amazing students have worked hard to complete the challenging International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme.

They have tackled Extended Essays, Theory of Knowledge, CAS, and many exams, showing incredible resilience and adaptability.

It has been a great honour to teach and prepare our Grade 12 students for their future. The entire SEK-Qatar community wishes our graduates all the best as they start their unique journeys ahead.

Extended Essay Exhibition

Last Tuesday, our seniors celebrated the culmination of the Extended Essay journey for our graduating class. Their exceptional work was proudly on display at the Extended Essay Exhibition, a testament to their dedication, intellectual curiosity, and the remarkable skills they have developed throughout this challenging yet rewarding process.

The exhibition was much more than just a showcase of finished projects. It was a vibrant exchange of ideas, insights, and experiences. Students from Grades 10 and 11, along with our supportive parents, were invited to engage with the presentations, ask questions, and gain valuable insights into the diverse range of topics explored by our seniors.

The atmosphere was one of shared purpose and intellectual excitement. Senior students, who had poured their hearts and minds into their extended essays, took pride in sharing their knowledge and discoveries. Younger students, inspired by the dedication and achievements of their peers, gained a glimpse into the possibilities that awaited them on their own academic journeys.

We are incredibly proud of our graduating class for their remarkable accomplishments. The Extended Essay Exhibition was a powerful reminder of the transformative power of learning and the profound impact this challenging endeavor has had on our students!

SEK-Qatar’s Exciting Hour of Code Journey!

Our school has once again joined the global coding celebration – the Hour of Code! Just like the good times from previous years, our school is buzzing with coding brilliance from December 4th to December 10th, 2023.

What’s the Hour of Code?

For those who might be wondering, the Hour of Code is a worldwide movement that introduces students to the fun and fascinating world of coding. It’s like a global playdate for computers, encouraging learners of all ages to spend at least an hour exploring coding activities.

Our students were on fire with awesome coding activities! Our preschoolers having a blast playing and coding with robots, primary students grooving to the beats in the Classic Dance Party game from, and our Grade 4 to MYP students diving into challenges from Minecraft Education with this year’s theme – Generation AI.

This year, our older students got hands-on with Generation AI challenges, diving into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence. It wasn’t just about solving coding puzzles; it was a journey into understanding AI.

SEK-Qatar’s Hour of Code was more than just a week of activities; it was a celebration of our students’ creativity, problem-solving skills, and enthusiasm for learning. We’re incredibly proud of each and every one of them for embracing the coding adventure with such energy and learning how to be responsible users. A huge shoutout to our students and staff for their awesome participation!

Enriching Arabic Workshop

We are thrilled to share the success of our recent Arabic workshop held on November 25th at SEK-Qatar! The collaborative event brought together the passionate minds of our Arabic Team alongside esteemed colleagues from SEK International School Riyadh and Beacon Private School, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas.

During the workshop, our dedicated educators delved into various types of assessment, exploring effective strategies to enhance the evaluation process. A key focus of the day was aligning the curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education with the International Baccalaureate framework, ensuring a seamless integration that optimally benefits our students.

The engaging discussions and shared insights showcased the commitment of our Arabic Team and the invaluable contributions from our fellow educators. This collaborative effort reflects our ongoing commitment to providing a rich, well-rounded education that prepares our students for success in a globalized world. Stay tuned for more exciting developments on the horizon!

Special thanks to Dr. Ibtihaje El Senne, Ph.D., for leading our workshop with expertise and inspiration. Your guidance made a significant impact on our learning journey.

Grade 7 Visual Arts – Microworlds: Bacteria & Neurons

Our talented Grade 7 Visual Arts students ventured into the digital world of stylus drawings on their laptops. As a Microsoft Showcase school we aim to integrate various digital experiences into our curriculum. In this interdisciplinary unit the Science and Visual Arts department fused their interest in microbes and showed how visual imagery enhance learning in science. Students selected their bacteria of choice and created remarkable drawings in OneNote. Students were taught how to use the grid method and explored the basic tools such as pencils, highlighters and pens in OneNote as a starting point. OneNote has a fun function where you can replay your drawing like a movie and learn from one another’s techniques and processes so students enjoyed seeing the step-by-step progression of a drawing.

Lastly, to celebrate their achievements artworks were selected as part of the SEK International School Qatar art collection. These works were framed and placed in the Science department for all to enjoy. Students were thanked for their efforts and received certificates to acknowledge their beautiful, creative work.

Grade Three’s Art-tastic Adventure!

In the 1st half of the academic year, Grade 3 students have been exploring Arts and learning about the elements of Art.

Students were exposed to the elements of colour, lines, technique, texture and shapes and created art to reflect these elements. Students had different experiences such as experimenting with colours, going on a texture hunt around the school, reflecting on artwork from famous painters and using the “See, feel, wonder” thinking routine.

Students took time to reflect on their artwork and in the final project used their knowledge of the elements of art to produce an artwork to showcase their understanding of the unit.

The students sought to make connections between art and their own understanding of emotions and well-being. We introduced the mood meter to help the children reflect and share their mood patterns more explicitly with the help of colour theory.

Throughout this unit, students incorporated communication, creative, collaboration and thinking skills as they came to understand more about the various elements of art and how they can be implemented in their own work.

Cultrural Exchange with PYP Grade 5!

What an awesome way to wrap up our migration unit and give a big shoutout to our incredible Grade 5 students! They kicked things off with an amazing song performance for their parents, and then dove into sharing a piece of their own culture. It was like a mini world tour right in the Main Hall!

And guess what? The party didn’t stop there. We all sat down for a breakfast bonanza, featuring a buffet of flavors from around the globe. It was like a food festival right here in school! Huge thanks to all parents for your generosity and well done to all the students for their hard work preparing their presentations – you made this whole event possible.  You really nailed it! 🌍🥳🥐

SEK International School Qatar has been recognized as a Microsoft Showcase School for the academic year 2023-2024!

We are thrilled to announce that we have received this prestigious recognition for the 6th consecutive year. This is a remarkable achievement, as only nine schools in Qatar have been selected as Microsoft Showcase Schools.

This award reflects the dedication and innovation of our staff, who constantly strive to enhance the learning experiences of our students with the latest technology. This year, we are proud to have 20 MIE Experts (Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert) among our staff.

MIE Experts are educators who have demonstrated excellence in using Microsoft tools and solutions to create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students. They are part of a global network of over 30,000 educators who share their best practices, collaborate with peers, and learn from experts. MIE Experts also have the opportunity to participate in exclusive events, trainings, and projects, as well as to provide feedback and insights to Microsoft on the future of education technology. To become an MIE Expert, educators need to complete a self-nomination form and submit a learning activity that showcases how they use Microsoft tools in their teaching. 

We are part of an elite global network of schools and educators who foster a culture of learning, innovation, and continuous improvement and the MIEE community provides opportunities to connect and share ideas as we navigate the new era of digitalization.

As Microsoft states:

Microsoft Showcase School program represents a global community of K-12 schools that harness digital transformation to create immersive and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning and empower students to achieve more.
“Showcase Schools create student-centered, immersive, and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning, stimulating development of essential future-ready skills so students are empowered to achieve more.”

At SEK-Qatar, we embody this vision every day. We are committed to school-wide digital transformation to improve learning outcomes of our students and focus on future-ready skills.

From Grade 4, every student has their own laptop, which is used in almost every class. It is not just a single subject once or twice a week, it is the foundation for our daily teaching and learning. Leaders and educators in Showcase Schools thoughtfully consider the role of technology as they explore new ways to redesign learning spaces, restructure curriculum, reinvent pedagogy, and reimagine what 21st-century leading and learning looks like across diverse contexts.

Since last year, we have had a 1:1 device school from Grade 1 to Grade 12. We have a dedicated device for each student in the classroom from grade 1 to grade 3. This maximizes the opportunities our students have to use the devices when needed because they will have a designated device for each of them with a personal profile. With the addition of digital ink (each device has a stylus), students will keep practicing their handwriting on their OneNotes (digital notebooks).

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have become even more alert to inquire and learn about the digital potential in our school. Thanks to various Microsoft applications, remote learning has been made smooth, accessible, and fun. This has increased our appreciation of the critical work educators and school leaders do to help every student achieve more.

As we start this academic year, we are excited to share our experiences with our community and find innovative ways to equip our students with the tools needed for success inside and outside of the classroom.

Celebrating International Dot Day at SEK-Qatar

International Dot Day, celebrated on September 15th every year, is a special occasion that encourages creativity, imagination, and collaboration. At SEK International School Qatar, this day was marked with a vibrant and memorable celebration that filled our campus with dots, fun, laughter, art, and even surprising musical performances.

Artistic expression through dots stole the spotlight, encompassing painting, crafting, and even creating a vibrant dotty mural. The school transformed into a hub of creativity, with students exploring various techniques and materials. The joy and pride in revealing their creations were heartwarming.

Unity and collaboration were palpable as students from different grades worked together on dot-themed projects. This camaraderie peaked in a surprise musical flash mob, inspired by dots, captivating everyone in rhythmic cheer.

Laughter filled the hallways as students and teachers immersed themselves in dot-related games and challenges, creating an infectious atmosphere of enthusiasm. International Dot Day emphasized the importance of celebrating individuality and breaking free from self-imposed limitations. It encouraged embracing the power of imagination, leaving a lasting impression on the SEK International School Qatar community.

This day became a tribute to boundless creativity, reminding students of their unique talents waiting to be expressed. It inspired them to leave their mark on the world, one dot at a time. The memory of this remarkable day will continue to motivate students to explore their creative potential and embrace self-expression.

We look forward to our next fun-filled, art-inspired day next month! 🎨

#InternationalDotDay #MakeYourMark

Congratulations to all of our students who graduated in 2023!

To the cherished family and friends of our graduates, thank you for your unwavering support and presence as we celebrate the accomplishments of our students. Your love and encouragement have made this journey truly special. Congratulations to all!

Preschool 5

It was an extraordinary day for our Preschool 5 students as they participated in their inaugural school graduation. The IB Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), which spans from Preschool 3 to Grade 5 (ages 3-12), aims to foster the growth of young learners as compassionate and engaged participants in a lifelong journey of knowledge (, 2021). Our dedicated teachers and staff at SEK International School Qatar have thoroughly enjoyed guiding and nurturing our exceptional Preschool 5 students throughout this academic year. We are immensely proud of their achievements and wish them a well-deserved and joyful summer holiday. We eagerly anticipate welcoming these students back as they embark on Grade 1 at SEK-Qatar next academic year.

Grade 5

Next on the agenda were our Grade 5 students, brimming with enthusiasm as they prepare to commence the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) in August! Congratulations to each and every one of them on successfully completing the IB Primary Years Programme. Over the past eight years, they have demonstrated remarkable dedication and acquired the skills necessary to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in our rapidly evolving world. At SEK International School Qatar, we take great pride in providing the globally recognized PYP Programme, as it represents excellence in education.

Grade 10

A round of applause for our MYP Grade 10 students at SEK-Qatar, who have triumphantly concluded the IBMYP Programme.

The IBMYP Programme, spanning from Grade 6 to Grade 10, serves as a crucial foundation for the final Diploma Programme (DP) stage. During the MYP years, students engage in community and personal projects to broaden their horizons and enhance their learning.

DP Class of 2023!

Congratulations to the graduates of the SEK International School Qatar Diploma Programme.

Over the past two years, these exceptional individuals have dedicated themselves to rigorous study in order to successfully complete the ambitious International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme.

Not only have they conquered Extended Essays, Theory of Knowledge, CAS, and numerous exams, but it is also worth acknowledging that they have persevered through the challenges posed by a global pandemic during their diploma stage. Our students have demonstrated incredible resilience and adaptability throughout this trying time.

It has been a tremendous honor to educate and equip our Grade 12 students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their future endeavors. The entire SEK-Qatar community wishes our 36 graduates the very best as they embark on their unique journeys ahead.