DP Annual Art Exhibition 2021-23

On March 6th, SEK International School Qatar held their annual Diploma Programme Visual Arts Exhibition. This is an annual event that showcases the artwork of students who are completing the IB Diploma’s Visual Arts course. The exhibition provides an opportunity for students to publicly display their artwork, which has been developed over the course of two years, to a wider audience. Throughout the course, students create a body of work that reflects their artistic interests, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. The artwork is assessed by both the student’s teacher and an external examiner appointed by the IB organization.  

At the end of the course, students prepare their artwork for display in a public exhibition. We held our exhibition at our school, and the exhibition is open to our school community. The artwork is displayed in a professional manner, with each student’s work arranged in a designated space along with the curator’s comments. The exhibition provides an opportunity for students to showcase their artistic abilities and communicate their ideas and perspectives to a wider audience. 

It was an absolute pleasure to see the great work our students have produced over the course of two years. Through their artwork, our seniors presented themselves not only as skilled artists but also as open-minded, caring, reflective, and internationally-minded young adults. Their topics ranged from displacement to reflection of Self to environmental challenges the world is currently facing.

PYP Exhibition 2023

The exhibition is a celebration for an IB school. It’s the synthesis of the journey throughout the Primary Years Programme, and a time to share the knowledge, achievements and success of each student.

As a culminating experience, the exhibition is an opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile that they have been developing throughout their engagement with the PYP. The enthusiasm and motivation exhibited by this group of Grade 5 students throughout their exhibition journey has been admirable.

As inquirers, each Grade 5 student identified a passion,  for which they were personally compelled to investigate, educate and address. Primary and secondary sources were sought, field trips, interviews and observations staged, data collected via surveys, experts consulted and group negotiations conducted.

The mentors, all teachers from within the primary school, supported students with structuring their time, keeping them on track with their research and supporting them with questions and guidance. Our experts, including our specialist teachers, were also on hand to support transdisciplinary learning, and helped the students make their research more interesting.

Grade 5 have been passionate in the way that they have approached these significant and complex passions. They should be very proud of their achievements, and we are sure their parents were proud as they visited their booths on 1st March 2023. While exploring their passions, the parents experienced;

  • The knowledge that the students have generated,
  • The skills the students used in gaining that knowledge.
  • The understanding of concepts which most might think are too difficult for a Grade 5 student to understand.

Our G5 students dazzled us with their research, their singing and their dancing. Congratulations G5 for a successful PYP Exhibition.

Please do visit the PYPX 2023 website to learn more about the students passions and keep checking our YouTube channel for videos of the event.

You may follow the link to view our students’ presentation – SEK-Qatar PYP Exhibition 2023

Grade 4 Solar System

The grade 4’s unit of inquiry is about the Solar System. The students learned the relationship between the Earth, Sun and the Moon. They demonstrated rotation and revolution by acting out in groups. Then the students conducted activities showing the phases of the moon culminating in an exciting hands on activity using Oreo cookies.

World Record attempt – Tonight!

As part of the build up the World Cup the Museum of Islamic Art have organised a Guinness World Record Attempt for the Most Languages in a reading relay of the book Le Petit Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery. The event is taking place on the 12th of October 2022.

This book has been translated into many languages around the world and on the evening each reader will read a section in their language.

More than 150 people will be involved in breaking the record and we are lucky to have two members of the SEK-Qatar community involved as a reader and judge of the Irish language. Bernadette Coyne will be reading in Irish and Lorraine Kenny will be judging in Irish.

We are so proud of both Bernadette and Lorraine, we wish them lots of luck in breaking the record! We have even learnt some Irish ourselves, Go n’eirí an t-adh leat!

The event will be recorded for Qatar TV and filmed at the Museum of Islamic Art.

Follow them on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/let_the_world_read/

You can watch on the Facebook Live link below tonight (12.10.2022) at 19:30pm Qatar time- 17:30pm Irish time https://bit.ly/3Ey4Uza

SEK International School Qatar has been recognized as a Microsoft Showcase School for the academic year 2022-2023!

Thanks to #MicrosoftEdu Solange Jarjour, Sonja Delafosse and Dina Ghobashy for their continued support.

We are really proud of being awarded this recognition for the 5th time in a row. Requirements for the award continue to remain very strict, hence only eight other schools in Qatar have been recognized as Microsoft Showcase Schools.

This has been only possible thanks to the great work of our staff and their constant efforts exploring new ways of innovating in their teaching in order to improve the learning experiences of our students. This year, we are proud of our 17 MIE Experts (Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert) among our staff.

We are part of an exclusive global network of schools and educators who support the culture of learning, innovation and continuous improvement. The community offers space to connect and share ideas as school life is moving towards a new era of digitalization.

As Microsoft likes to put it:

  • Microsoft Showcase School program represents a global community of K-12 schools that harness digital transformation to create immersive and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning and empower students to achieve more.
  • Showcase Schools create student-centered, immersive, and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning, stimulating development of essential future-ready skills so students are empowered to achieve more.”

At SEK-Qatar, we live and breath this quote daily. We are committed to school-wide digital transformation to improve learning outcomes of our students and focus on future-ready skills.

From Grade 4, every student has their own laptop, as the device is being used in almost every single class. It is not only a single subject once or twice a week, It is the foundation for our every day teaching and learning. Leaders and educators in Showcase Schools thoughtfully consider the role of technology as they explore new ways to redesign learning spaces, restructure curriculum, reinvent pedagogy and reimagine what 21st Century leading and learning looks like across diverse contexts.

This year, we are becoming a 1:1 device school from Grade 1 to Grade 12. We are adding a dedicated device for each student in the classroom from grade 1 to grade 3. This will maximize the opportunities our students have to use the devices when needed because they will have a designated device for each of them with a personal profile. With the addition of digital ink (each device has a stylus) students will keep practicing their handwriting on their OneNotes (digital notebooks).

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we have become even more alert to inquire and learn about the digital potential in our school. Thanks to various Microsoft applications, remote learning has been made smooth, accessible and fun. This has increased our appreciation of the critical work educators and school leaders do to help every student achieve more.

As we start this academic year, we are excited to share our experiences with our community to finding innovative ways to equip our students with the tools needed for success inside and outside of the classroom.

PYP Visual Art – Artist Visitor

Artists, indeed, are the movers and shakers of the world. We were fortunate to invite Qatar-based Graffiti artist Hassan Bohou into our school to share his artistic journey. It was an excellent opportunity for our students to meet with a local artist and feel inspired by his creativity. Art in all its forms is the universal language. His art provoked our imagination and caused us to pause, think and reflect. This interaction provided students with more than one amazing opportunity to connect with art and artists in a meaningful way. We were able to engage with the artist and create graffiti on one of our school’s walls based on our learner profile “Be Caring”- it is essential to remember to care for everyone around us. If you would like to see more of his artwork, here is the link: https://bit.ly/3ChtMIF

Graduation Week 2022 @ SEK International School Qatar!

Congratulations to all of our students who graduated this year!

We are excited to share with you that for the first time in over two years SEK-Qatar was able to celebrate all graduation ceremonies in school premises, with family and friends joining in person to celebrate each student’s milestone.

Preschool 5

This was a very special day for all our Preschool 5 students as they attended their first school graduation. The IBPYP Programme, which runs from Preschool 3 to Grade 5 (aged 3-12), “nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning” (ibo.org, 2021). Our teachers and staff at SEK International School Qatar have thoroughly enjoyed teaching our brilliant Preschool 5 students this year. We are proud to send them off into a well-deserved, joyful summer holiday and we are looking forward to welcoming all our returning students back next academic year when they enter Grade 1 at SEK-Qatar.

Grade 5

Next up were our Grade 5 students ready and eager to start the MYP Programme in August! Congratulations to all of them for completing the PYP Programme. Throughout the past 8 years of school, they have worked very hard and learned how to tackle challenges and embrace opportunities in our fast changing world. SEK International School Qatar is proud to offer the PYP Programme as it is one of best educational practice globally.

Grade 10

MYP Grade 10 students – congratulations for finishing the IBMYP Programme at SEK-Qatar.

The IBMYP Programme runs from Garde 6 to Grade 10 and is essential for laying a solid foundation for the final DP stage. During the MYP years, students work on community and personal projects in order to learn and expand their horizon.


Class of 2022!

Congratulations SEK International School Qatar Diploma Programme graduates.

Over the past two years they have studied incredibly hard to complete the ambitious International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme.

Not only did they battle through Extended Essays, Theory of Knowledge, CAS and many exams, yet it is also worth mentioning they spent most of their diploma stage living and studying through a global pandemic. This alone was another added challenge that all of our students mastered very well.

It was a great pleasure to have taught and equip our Grade 12 students with the necessary knowledge and skills for their next stage in life. All of SEK-Qatar wishes our 36 graduates the very best for whatever thier future might hold.

Microsoft Showcase Schools Award Ceremony 2022

At the beginning of this moth, SEK International School Qatar was invited by Microsoft Qatar to an award ceremony. SEK-Qatar was honored alongside ten other schools in Qatar who have successfully achieved the Microsoft Showcase School status in the academic year 2021-2022.

“The scheme aims to raise the efficiency of the educational system and enhance students’ standard through an array of cutting-edge modern learning strategies that push forward digital transformation, development momentum and cultivate creativity and innovation, keeping abreast of the 21st Century Skills.

The Microsoft Showcase Schools is a yearly certification world-standard project that selects schools that best implement specific criteria in incorporating technology in education.” (Microsoft, 2022)

SEK-Qatar has achieved this status for the 4th time in a row and we are proud that staff and students use Microsoft Apps as a day to day tool to organize their work and learning.

Especially the ICT Department, led by Francisco Jesús Ruiz González, at SEK-Qatar has been working very hard over the past years to ensure everyone at our school receives the necessary support, schooling and platforms.

Francisco, Mr. Fran for most of our students and staff, was also representing our school during the Microsoft event, visualizing how we use Microsoft in our school as an example of best practice. Here at SEK-Qatar we believe in the following mantra: “Technology is not a subject, it is a tool to improve teaching and learning”.

We are very excited to see how much more we can use Microsoft tools to enhance our everyday school life and where we will be in a few years from now. All we know is, this is only the beginning of a life-long journey to an open-minded and international world of learning and teaching.

Science Lab 8

In the Science unit on Chemical Reactivity and Solutions, our Grade 8 students performed an experiment to study the activity of an enzyme called catalase found in the cells of many living tissues; such as the liver and potatoes (including humans). Students discovered the importance of how catalase speeds up a chemical reaction in which it breaks down hydrogen peroxide, a toxic substance that our cells produce as a byproduct of respiration, into two harmless substances; water and oxygen.

Science Lab 6

As a part of their Science unit on Matter, our Grade 6 students performed a skills-based experiment to discover the chemical composition of various unidentified materials by using several tools available in the lab; such as an electronic balance to find the mass of each sample and calculating the volume of the objects by using graduated cylinders. With the set of quantitative data they obtained, students were then able to calculate the density of each sample which then gave them the necessary clues in figuring out the identity of each object through research.