Ecosystems with Grade 3s

During term 2, Grade 3 students inquired about Ecosystems. Students had the opportunity to show their understanding and knowledge about the new unit using Minecraft Education. They designed in small groups an ecosystem of their choice to after build it on Minecraft. Students had so much fun and the final products were incredible. Here are some pictures 😊

Acknowledgment of Unprivileged Children

We are a group of 8th Graders who have created “Acknowledgement of Unprivileged Children” for our community project. Our goal was to spread awareness on the non-profit organisation that goes by the name Educanepal, that is based and located in Nepal.

This organization helps underprivileged children that have come to the association, due to various reasons, by providing education and a place to stay. We arranged an interview with the founder of the association, Jose Díaz, on the 8th February. Using the information from that interview we have created a documentary that you can watch by scanning the QR code below:

If you are interested in helping this NGO, donations are welcomed through their website! For more information about this association, please check

Every small action counts!

Dana Moawad, Olivia Brunn and Aina Vivas Aguilera
Grade 8