On March 6th, SEK International School Qatar held their annual Diploma Programme Visual Arts Exhibition. This is an annual event that showcases the artwork of students who are completing the IB Diploma’s Visual Arts course. The exhibition provides an opportunity for students to publicly display their artwork, which has been developed over the course of two years, to a wider audience. Throughout the course, students create a body of work that reflects their artistic interests, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. The artwork is assessed by both the student’s teacher and an external examiner appointed by the IB organization.
At the end of the course, students prepare their artwork for display in a public exhibition. We held our exhibition at our school, and the exhibition is open to our school community. The artwork is displayed in a professional manner, with each student’s work arranged in a designated space along with the curator’s comments. The exhibition provides an opportunity for students to showcase their artistic abilities and communicate their ideas and perspectives to a wider audience.
It was an absolute pleasure to see the great work our students have produced over the course of two years. Through their artwork, our seniors presented themselves not only as skilled artists but also as open-minded, caring, reflective, and internationally-minded young adults. Their topics ranged from displacement to reflection of Self to environmental challenges the world is currently facing.