Personal Project Exhibition 2017
One of the highlights of the school year in the MYP is the Personal Project Exhibition. If you are new to the Middle Years Program, a brief explanation is necessary.
The Personal Project is an independent research project in the final year of the MYP. It is a significant piece of work that is the product of the student´s own initiative and creativity, completed in their own time under the supervision of a teacher in the school. It is a chance for them to investigate and create anything that they want. It should be something that they are passionate about and it should be all of their own work.
This year we had projects ranging from a lookbook on the development of the abaya, videos on how to redesign furniture or to coach someone on football skills, or an art exhibition. Although the product is extremely important, so is the journey, and all the students are expected to produce a report that documents the learning process they undertook, including a journal, a record of their research techniques along with what primary and secondary sources were used.
This is the day where the teachers, the students and the parents celebrate their success. The students get to discuss their project and answer questions from everyone attending.
The students are visited by all the MYP classes and upper PYP classes, so that they can share with their peers as well.
See photos from the event below!
A Big Thank You!