Saving Animals with Grade 1

Transdisciplinary Theme 

Sharing the Planet 

Central Idea 

Many factors might lead species toward endangerment or extinction 

Lines of Inquiry 

  • Factors leading to endangerment 
  • From endangerment to extinct 
  • Our responsibility toward endangered species  

During our unit of inquiry ‘Saving the animals’, our students learned about extinct and endangered species. Through this unit, students learned their responsibilities towards endangered animals as well as how to help them. Students chose to raise awareness and create posters that show ways of protecting endangered species as part of their action plan.  Here are some examples of their posters. Congratulations G1 for helping us know about animals that are close to extinction.  

Energy with Grade 5

Transdisciplinary Theme 

How the World Works  

Central Idea 

People use, store and change energy for different purposes. 

Lines of Inquiry 

Forms of Energy 

The storage and transformation of energy 

Conservation of energy  

The Grade 5 students applied their knowledge of the lines of inquiry from their current unit of inquiry to show new ways to use, store and save energy by building a model of their choice using recycled materials. They demonstrated their conceptual understanding of sustainability and energy, and used their thinking and research skills to create the models seen below. The students presented their learning through videos and live presentations to their peers.  

Grade 3 and the Fruit Bowls

Transdisciplinary Theme 

How We Express Ourselves 

Central Idea 

People express their ideas, feelings and culture through the arts. 

Lines of Inquiry 

  • The different ways artists interpret what they see, think and believe 
  • How artists use technique to convey a message 
  • How audience members appreciate art and perceive messages 

If you had a bowl of fruit, what would it look like? Would it hold just one kind of fruit or many different kinds? Would the fruit be whole or chopped? What would the bowl and basket look like? How would you choose the fruits to add in your bowl? 

To introduce our new unit of inquiry, How we express ourselves, Grade 3 created their own piece of art with the title, Fruit Bowl. After following a short video tutorial on how to draw a fruit bowl, the students were encouraged to create their own artwork. This was an opportunity for them to be creative and explore different materials in their environments.  

We saw so many interpretations of a fruit bowl which led to fantastic discussions about what is art and how does different art make us feel.  

Here are some of the great fruit bowls that were created by Grade 3. We hope you enjoy them! 

PYP Music Patterns

This term, Grade 2 students have been exploring patterns in music through rhythmic, melodic as well as harmonic sequencing. Utilizing the digital platform of Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker, they have composed some uniquely sounding music which, in turn, displays as a production of colorful sequences. 

Sharing the Planet with Preschool 3

In Unit two we have been exploring Planet Earth and all the living and non-living things we share it with. For the provocation of the unit we got their minds thinking by observing the planet and analyzing and talking about all its unique characteristics and features. We talked about what colors we saw on the planet and what they meant, i.e. “Blue is water where fish live.” We later created our own planet earth in a non-messy painting sensory motor activity. 

Visual Art

The Pre 3 classes have been working on the Sharing the planet Unit of Inquiry. As part of their integrated art inquiry, the students have been exploring drawing from observation to recognize lines, curves, colors, and shapes of the nature forms. Direct observation lessons are vital for building hand-eye coordination skills and improve their artistic skills. Through learning observational drawing skills, students have been practicing to make compositional choices as well as accurately depict form of the plants and the flowers around the school. We have been also learning how to art critic our artworks. 

Observational drawing of plants and natural forms

Let’s Stay Healthy with Grade 1 Students

During our unit of inquiry Who we are, the students learned about ways to stay physically and emotionally healthy. We invited a guest speaker Dr. Manasik to join us online and share with the students the importance of staying healthy and living a balanced lifestyle.  

Students in class and at home listened to the doctor and engaged in appropriate discussions about their health. They also had some questions to ask the doctor. We had a great session that helped students reflect on their daily habits. After that, each student created their own healthy recipe to add to their menu that they will make and share with the rest of the class.  

Migration in Minecraft

In our Grade 5 Unit of Inquiry, ‘Where we are in place and time’, students continued to work together within their Minecraft world to tell a story of movement. 

Using the knowledge and research collected within our Unit of Inquiry, students took action developing detailed storylines that included push and pull factors related to movement of people and animals. Students collaborated with other groups and made connections through writing persuasive letters to different characters in our world. We learned that we are all connected, and that movement is important to how we thrive on this planet.  

Body Parts by Preschool 4

In preschool 4, we are learning about our bodies as part of our Who We Are unit of inquiry! The students learned to name and describe different parts of their bodies and their functions, “my knees bend so I can run fast”. Each student had their body traced and then they chose the color they would use to paint their traced bodies. After the painting process, the students individually looked at their craft and named their familiar body parts. The students and teachers then had the opportunity to name the body parts in their home languages. 

Let’s dive into the art world!

Student-led conferences (SLC) offer authentic opportunities for students to share their learning with their parents/caregivers. It encourages greater agency and helps students transition from the classroom to life experiences by practicing it with their parents.

During the SLC week, our students had an opportunity to reflect and share what they have learned throughout the year in visual arts class. They created artworks to share their experiences, thoughts, feelings, imaginations, and cultural arts with their parents. They were in control of what form of art and skills they would like to share which was highly motivational. They showed honesty and integrity related to their learning in the SLCs as they were required to take on a high level of responsibility to share their artworks with the SEK-Qatar community virtually.

We would like to say a huge thank you again to all students, parents, and guardians for their hard work and patience over this term and the academic year.

You will find unique artwork produced by inspiring young artist here.

Let’s dive into the art world! – Wakelet

PYP Visual Arts Project for Earth Day 2021

As part of the 51st Earth Day celebration, our PYP Visual Art teacher Ms. Ebru created an optional activity for Primary School learners. This activity had a focus on reusing materials, and looking for natural materials in the environment to create different pieces of art. Students submitted their work online, and spoke about why they felt creating artwork with an Earth Day focus was interesting for them.