SEK-Qatar school has celebrated Book Week from 15th to 19th April, with different activities taking place around the school, to engage students, staff and parents into different reading challenges.
PYP students have guessed the identity of mystery readers that recorded themselves reading a book. Each class had set a reading goal for a Read-A-Thon that took place all week. Classes have also been taking extra time for DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) and we encouraged students to read at home in the evening as well.
Students and parents could purchase books during our Book Fair from Monday to Wednesday in the main hall. Each class had also a few special activities from writing a story, to buddy reading, to having guest parents read to the class. Grades 1, 2 and 3 have received the visit of an author Omer Naqi in the library, and the Student Council had the chance to interview him.
The week culminated with a Costume Parade in the Main Hall on Thursday morning for Preschool and PYP students.
MYP students celebrated Book Week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Grades 6 and 7 spent one English class during Book Week creating blackout poetry, where students took a preexisting text and obscured words to create a new meaning. Students voted on a top five from each class, and the selected poems will be displayed outside Mr. Berent’s room.
Grade 7 students heard from SEK Qatar’s very own published author, Shaikha Al-Obaidan, during their Tuesday Tutor Session; Shaikha talked about the writing and publishing process and answer questions from students, which they had prepared during English class.
To synthesise their sterling work on Themes and Shakespeare, the G9 students created display posters on a Shakespearean play of their choice. This included choosing their favourite quotes and writing their own summaries of these influential works.
Grade 10 students researched and chose a book that would save from destruction. They have debated, and only ‘save’ half the books. It was connected to the play they are reading, The Enemy of the People.
Native speakers in MYP Spanish and Arabic Language and Literature classes spent a period as Spanish or Arabic reading buddies with native speaker students in PYP.
Four Mystery Readers recorded themselves reading a book and the students from different grades had to guess who it was.
It was a great week enjoying and engaging students into reading. Check the pictures below!